Tree House Granted Planning Permission

We are delighted to have secured planning permission for a tree house in East Suffolk.

The Proposed Tree House

Tree house planning permission granted

The proposed development consists of a timber tree house, set within a wooded area in the northeastern part of the garden of the application property.

The proposal is to construct two wooden platforms, a smaller 'landing platform' with a ladder to ground level and a walkway leading to a larger platform which forms a form of patio or balcony area to the tree house itself.

The landing platform and tree house are each proposed to be constructed around the trunks of existing trees, leaving an appropriate area around the tree so as not to damage the trunk.

The structure would be constructed on timber posts to minimise damage to the root systems of the nearby trees.

The Site

The application property is a mid-20th century detached bungalow located within the settlement boundary of Leiston.

The property sits within a large, mature garden with mature hedging to each boundary.

Planning Considerations for the Tree House

  • Design - The proposed design for the tree house aimed for a rustic feel with untreated timber and a circular shape with a conical roof. Although the size, when considering the total space occupied including the platforms, is large for a recreational garden structure it was not considered excessive given size of the plot. The appearance also had a subordinate appearance. East Suffolk Council agreed that the scale and design of the structure would be acceptable.

  • Neighbouring Amenity – A key planning consideration in this case was the impact upon neighbouring properties in respect to privacy. The site is well screened by mature landscaping, but there was some minor risk of overlooking from the tree house. To minimise any amenity impact, the design of the tree house incorporated louvred screening on the raised platforms.

  • Arboriculture – As a part of the planning package, the application was supported by an arboricultural impact assessment to ensure that there would not be a detrimental impact on the existing trees.

Are you planning a Tree House Project and Require Planning Advice?

If you are planning a tree house project, contact our expert planners for their advice and to guide you through this project. You can contact us via or use the form below:  


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